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The importance of following through in MSP benchmarking

As any MSP will know, benchmarking is a critical tool for measuring performance against set standards and industry best practices. But while this process provides valuable insights, its real utility begins when it’s followed by dedicated action and improvement efforts. This blog explores why it’s important for MSPs to not only conduct benchmarking but also to actively follow through with improvement plans to ensure ongoing client satisfaction and operational excellence.

The importance of following through a Benchmark:

You build client trust

Clients rely on their MSPs, not just for their day-to-day IT management, but also for strategic insights to drive their business forward. When MSPs follow through on benchmark findings with concrete actions, it reinforces that client’s trust in you and demonstrates your commitment to their business.

Following through ensures clients feel valued and understood, reducing the curn rate and creating long-term partnerships.

You’re continuously driving improvement

Benchmarking identifies performance gaps and areas needing enhancement. Without following through, these insights only remain underutilised, potentially stalling progress for your client.

By implementing changes based on benchmark results, you will drive continuous improvement, and ensure services evolve with your client’s needs and technological advancements.

You strengthen your position in the market

MSP providers are in a competitive market, but by ensuring that you consistently refine your services based on systematic feedback, you’ll stand out. This will not only attract new clients but will also retain those existing ones by always demonstrating a proactive approach.

Here’s how to strategically implement your follow-through:

Create actionable insights and plans: Following each benchmark, make sure you create a detailed action plan addressing identified issues. This plan should be time-bound, with clear responsibilities to ensure accountability. Make sure you’re engaging with clients to prioritise actions based on their impact and feasibility, aligning improvements with their expectations and business goals.

Regularly communicate and schedule updates: Establish a routine communication schedule to update clients on progress related to benchmark findings. This transparency in operations builds clients confidence and keeps them informed. Use newsletters, detailed reports, and regular meetings to discuss advancements, challenges, and further plans, keeping the dialogue always open and constructive.

Have a client-centric approach: Customise follow-up actions not just on service metrics but also on client feedback. Incorporate client suggestions and preferences to tailor services that genuinely enhance their operational efficiency. By having regular client feedback sessions, it can help to adjust the course of action to make the improvement process more relevant and client-focused.

Clearbenchmark significantly streamlines the benchmarking process, freeing up your time to focus on what you do best. The speed and ease with which you can benchmark means you have more time to implement necessary processes. This allows you to provide clients with a clear, actionable plan they can understand and follow, building reassurance and long-lasting trust. Let Clearbenchmark help you turn quick insights into lasting improvements to enhance both client satisfaction and operational efficiency.